Hunan Xiang Yi Laboratory Instrument Development Co., Ltd.

Fire Safety Training Drills

In order to further strengthen the fire safety awareness of Xiangyi staff, improve the ability to cope with risks and prevent accidents, and ensure the safety of employees and public life, Xiangyi held the 2023 Fire Safety Knowledge Training and Fire Safety Emergency Drill on the morning of June 13th.

Fire Safety Training Drills

Fire Safety Training Drills

Fire Safety Training Drills

First of all, we invited a professional fire safety instructor, Instructor Peng, to train and popularize fire safety knowledge to our staff. Instructor Peng explained the importance of fire safety by referring to the cases of major fire accidents in Hunan since 2023. He explained the daily management of fire safety, inspection and examination, emergency treatment and prevention of fire, and the identification and use of fire fighting equipment one by one. Through a large number of fire examples and on-site pictures, it reveals the serious harm of lack of fire awareness and fire knowledge. Combined with the characteristics of fire fighting in different scenarios, it focuses on the characteristics of fire, the basic knowledge of fire prevention and how to report to the police, put out the fire, and the method of self-rescue and escape in the fire scene after the occurrence of a fire.

Fire Safety Training Drills

Fire Safety Training Drills

In order to make every employee can learn to use the fire fighting equipment correctly, and can fight the fire correctly and effectively at the beginning of the fire. After the training, the company and the instructor organized the staff to practice the use of fire fighting equipment. By the Xiangyi Centrifuge company's safety officer ignited the fire, and let the drillers one by one to pick up the fire extinguisher, aimed at the source of the fire to practice fire extinguishing.

This fire evacuation drill was chosen to be carried out in Xiangyi Comprehensive Building in order to enhance the authenticity of the fire scene and deeply improve the sense of staff participation. After the official start of the drill, the simulated fire points of each building were lit with smoke, and employees started the evacuation process. With the fire alarm sounding, employees used wet towels to cover their mouths and noses, and stooped down to complete the evacuation in an orderly manner along both sides of the building. After the drill, the staff can basically complete the evacuation in the specified time, there is no trapped in the exit or people gathered in the stampede and so on.
