Hunan Xiang Yi Laboratory Instrument Development Co., Ltd.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

In order to enhance the communication and teamwork among employees, as well as to relax the body and mind, Xiangyi organizes company travel activities every year. This year, we came to Xi'an, a thousand-year-old capital with deep cultural heritage.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

As the eighth wonder of the world, Terracotta Warriors and Horses is one of the most famous attractions in Xi'an and an essential place to travel in Xi'an. Here we can see the wisdom and creativity of the ancient Chinese people. These terracotta warriors and horses with a history of more than 2,000 years are unimaginably numerous, including scattered soldiers, cavalry, and vehicle soldiers. This is a golden name card of China's ancient glorious civilization, and is also known as one of the world's top ten rare treasures of ancient tombs.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is also a famous attraction in Xi'an, which is one of the marks left by the Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang and is now listed as a World Heritage Site. Climbing up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, you can overlook the whole city and enjoy the unique cultural atmosphere while experiencing the historical style of the Tang Dynasty.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Besides that, the Great Tang Nocturnal City is also one of the specialties of Xi'an. Here, we seemed to travel back to the Tang Dynasty and felt the prosperity and splendor of the Tang culture. Our female generals of Xiang Yi also changed into ancient costumes to go to an invitation that traveled through thousands of years.

Besides that, the Great Tang Nocturnal City is also one of the specialties of Xi'an. Here, we seemed to travel back to the Tang Dynasty and felt the prosperity and splendor of the Tang culture. Our female generals of Xiang Yi Centrifuge Company also changed into ancient costumes to go to an invitation that traveled through thousands of years.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Mount Hua is known as the first of the Five Mountains of China and is one of the birthplaces of Taoism. It has a world-famous dangerous path of the mountain, which is always famous for its steepness and majesty, with a total elevation of more than 2,100 meters above sea level. However, it was not difficult for all of us at Xiangyi to climb to the top of the peak and have a glimpse of the magnificent face of Mount Hua. This also reflects the spirit of climbing that we have always been adhering to in Xiangyi.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

In addition, in these five days, we also climbed to the Dafeng Pavilion, tasting the grandeur of Han Gaozu chanting "A great wind rises and the clouds fly up", and visited the Seoul Lake, soothing our body and mind in the natural immersion. Visited the Yichunsha, and savored the art of the hundred-year-old Qinqiang. Visited the Xi'an Museum, feeling the precipitation of the thousand-year-old capital.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Yongxingfang is an ancient traditional food street in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. In Yongxingfang, we tasted authentic Shaanxi snacks: Chang'an marinated pig's trotters, Baoji rolled noodle skin, and Xianyang biangbiang noodles. We enjoyed the most authentic Shaanxi food culture, and at the same time, we could feel the strong historical and cultural atmosphere.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Tongshengxiang Restaurant is famous for its beef and mutton steamed buns with unique national characteristics. The centuries-old "Tongsheng Bun" is known as the "Tongshengxiang World's First Bowl", and its beef and mutton bun-making technique is listed in the national intangible cultural heritage protection list. The word "Tongsheng" also implies that we are of the same mind and prosperity. A pot of tea and a table of friends, sitting together and gossiping about the steamed buns, this is also a "slow" ceremony in Xi'an.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

The 5-day Xi'an tour not only let us feel the profoundness of Chinese history and culture, but also enjoy the rich and varied food and natural scenery. More importantly, it strengthened the team cohesion and communication with each other, and improved our work efficiency and morale. Xi'an five-day tour, not a vain trip!

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.

Xiangyi Staff Gathered In The Ancient Capital Xi'An To Experience The Thousand-Year History And Culture Journey.
